august 5, 2019:  literally launching my blog like its the 90s so: yolo
august 6, 2019: woah school is like a month away and it feels so surreal. i just hope i dont get depressed before school starts :=

august 7&8, 2019: y'all my life is sooooo useless

september 8, 2019: soooo- yeah. im about to start school :( literally, summer doesnt even feel like a whole month. it seemed like only 20 days passed. ill update more tho

september 25, 2019: idk tbh. i've been having these ups and downs; there's days where I feel highly motivated, literally, I can do homework normally n stuff, but idk. i don't even know how i'm feeling right now. SCHOOL STARTED AND IM NOT FUCKING OK

october 17, 2019: just checking in. long time no see. things are going.. meh. i really don't know what to say tbh. my emotions are really hard to explain. i still get constantly anxious. i really overthink the shit out of myself. nothing new, for the little to no people who read this blog. that's all, folks.